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No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. As one man said, "I milk a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter." Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission!
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For forty years the children of Israel have been waiting to claim the
inheritance God promised to give to Abraham and his descendants many years
before. In Gen.
13:14-17, God made the following promise to Abraham, And the LORD said unto Abram, after that Lot was separated
from him, Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art
northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward: For all the land which
thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for ever. And I will make
thy seed as the dust of the earth: so that if a man can number the dust of the
earth, then shall thy seed also be numbered. Arise, walk through the land in
the length of it and in the breadth of it; for I will give it unto thee. This same promise was reaffirmed to each
succeeding generation. ·
To Isaac: Gen 26:3, Sojourn
in this land, and I will be with thee, and will bless thee; for unto thee, and
unto thy seed, I will give all these countries, and I will perform the oath
which I sware unto Abraham thy father. ·
To Jacob: Gen. 28:13-14,
And, behold, the LORD stood above it, and said, I am the
LORD God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac: the land whereon thou
liest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed; And thy seed shall be as the
dust of the earth, and thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east,
and to the north, and to the south: and in thee and in thy seed shall all the
families of the earth be blessed. ·
To Joseph: Gen. 50:24, And
Joseph said unto his brethren, I die: and God will surely visit you, and bring
you out of this land unto the land which he sware to Abraham, to Isaac, and to
Jacob. ·
To Moses: Ex. 6:6-8, Wherefore
say unto the children of Israel, I am the LORD, and I will bring you out from
under the burdens of the Egyptians, and I will rid you out of their bondage,
and I will redeem you with a stretched out arm, and with great judgments: And I
will take you to me for a people, and I will be to you a God: and ye shall know
that I am the LORD your God, which bringeth you out from under the burdens of
the Egyptians. And I will bring you in unto the land, concerning the which I
did swear to give it to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob; and I will give it you
for an heritage: I am the LORD. Those great promises from the Lord are on the
verge of being fulfilled. The children of Israel have survived forty years of
wandering around in the wilderness. They have crossed over the Jordan River,
and they are literally camping in Canaan. These tired, weary people are in a
position to lay claim to the land that they have been promised. Many things are about to change for
Israel. They are going to be fighting a series of battles against the
Canaanites for the land that will be their home. Eventually, they will be given
their inheritance and they will settle down in the land of Canaan, where they
will enjoy the rich blessings of the Lord. One of the major changes they face
is mentioned in the verse before us today. We are told in verse 12 that the Manna ceased. As the people of Israel traveled through
the wilderness, they were in a place where little food existed. It would have
taken and enormous amount of food to feed a crowd that numbered somewhere
between 2 and 3 million people. In response to their need for food, the
Lord moved in a supernatural way. He gave them a substance called Manna, which came down from Heaven during
the night. In the morning, all the people of Israel had to do was walk outside
and gather the Manna and they had food enough for that day. God sent the Manna
everyday the whole time they journeyed through the wilderness, the only
exception being the Sabbath. On the day before the Sabbath day, the Lord sent double the amount of Manna, so the people would not
have to gather their food on the Sabbath day. Now we are told, the
Manna ceased. Today, I want to examine the Manna, what it meant
and what it meant for Israel when it ceased. I want you to notice some characteristics of the Manna that present
themselves in this passage. The Manna was a gift of Gods grace to His
people. To understand why He sent it to them, we need to turn back to Exodus 16.
That passage teaches us why God sent the Manna and what it represented. I want
to point out several truths that are hidden in the substance called Manna. ·
Ex. 16:1-5 - The Manna was sent in response to the
complaint of the people, v. 2. They were hungry and they missed the
food they used to have down in Egypt, v. 3. God tells Moses that He will rain bread from heaven for you, v. 4.
God also tells Moses that the Manna will serve as a testing for the people of
Israel. God will use their response to the Manna to test their obedience to His
Law, v. 5. ·
Ex. 16:14-35 - This lengthy passage gives us several
insights in the Manna that are worthy of notice. Let me share them with you
today, for in doing so, we will see the face of Christ and the glory of God in
this stuff called Manna. The Manna was a clear picture of the Lord
Jesus Christ. It was an Old Testament type sent from the Lord to paint a
picture of the Savior He would send to the world. Notice the ways in which the
Manna pictured the Lord Jesus. 1. It Was Small - Ex. 16:14 - This speaks of
His humility. He is the Creator of
the universe, John 1:3; Col. 1:16-17. He is God Almighty, John 1:1. Yet, He came into this world and
robed Himself in human flesh, John 1:14. He humbled Himself and became a
servant so that He might die for His people on the cross, Phil. 2:5-8. What love!
What grace! What supreme condescension! 2. It Was Round - Ex. 16:14 - Like a circle
that has no beginning and no ending; Jesus Christ is eternally God. He did not
have His beginning at Bethlehem; but was able to proclaim, Before Abraham was, I am, John 8:58.
And, just as He had no beginning, He shall have no ending, Heb. 7:25. Our Savior is
eternal. 3. It Was White - Ex. 16:31 - White like the
purest of snow. The whiteness of the Manna speaks of the purity of Jesus. He
was born into this world without the taint of human sin, 1 Pet. 2:22; 1 John 3:5; Heb. 7:26.
In fact, He was not even able to sin!
He lived without sin, so that He might die for sin on the cross, Heb. 9:26.
Only a sinless man could do that! 4. It Came At Night - Ex. 16:13-14 - Jesus
Christ was born on a dark night in Judaea, Luke 2:1-11. He came to a world trapped in
spiritual darkness to gave the world light, love and life. 5. It Was Misunderstood By Those Who Found It - Ex. 16:15
- They called it Manna, which means, What is it? Jesus was misunderstood by the
very people He came to save - John 1:11; John 10:20. 6. It Was Sufficient For Every Persons Need - Ex. 16:17-18
- For 40 years the Manna was sufficient for the young ones and the old one and
for everyone in between. The Manna was right for everybody! The growing boy
grew into manhood off the nourishment of the Manna. The young girl grew into a
woman by eating the Manna. It sustained the rich and the poor. It fed the
leader and the follower. It was good enough to sustain the lives of the entire
congregation of Israel for 40 years. This reminds us that Jesus is the
all-sufficient Savior. (Ill. Acts 4:12; John 14:6; John 3:16) 7. It Was Sweet To The Taste - Ex. 16:31 - The taste of
the Manna was like tasting wafers made with
honey. No doubt it was pleasant surprise to everyone who placed
it on the tongue. This is a great picture of the Lord Jesus Christ. To the
sinner, Jesus appears to be harsh, a cosmic killjoy Who delights in keeping
people from having fun. But, when you come to know Him, you find that He is the
delight of the soul! You find that He makes life worth living. The songwriter
said: Every day with Jesus is sweeter than the day before. The Psalmist said it
this way, O taste and see that the LORD is good:
blessed is the man that trusteth in him, Psalm 34:8. That has been
my experience and I am guessing it has been your too, if you are saved. 8. It Was To Be Kept And Passed On To Others - Ex. 16:32
- Jesus is the same way; He is to be shared with those who cross our path.
(Ill. Matt.
28:19-20; Mark 16:15) The Manna serves as a brilliant picture of
the Lord Jesus Christ. The Manna serves to remind us of Who Jesus is and of
what He came to do. If you have never bowed to Him, repented of your sins and
believed the Gospel, you need to come to Jesus Christ by faith so that you can
be saved from your sins. That is the picture we find in the Manna.
I. What The Manna Pictured The children of Israel lived on the Manna
for 40 years. They collected those small, white pieces of Manna every day. For
nearly 13,000 days the people of Israel picked up the Manna, they gathered it,
they cooked it, and then they ate it. The people tried various ways to make the
Manna more appetizing. Numbers 11:8 says, And
the people went about, and gathered it, and ground it in mills, or beat it in a
mortar, and baked it in pans, and made cakes of it: and the taste of it was as
the taste of fresh oil. In spite of what they did with it, the
Manna was their lifeline. The Manna kept them from starving to death
in the wilderness. The difference between having the Manna and not having it
was the difference between life and death. Again, in this aspect, the Manna is a
portrait of the Lord Jesus Christ. Like the Manna that sustained the Israelites
in the wilderness, the Lord Jesus sustains those who come to Him by faith. Looking back to Ex. 16 again, we can a
couple of truths concerning the Manna and how it was appropriated that we need
to notice. ·
The Manna Was Appropriated By
Stooping - Ex. 6:14-15 - The Manna appeared on the
ground. In order to gather it, the
people had to bend their knees and get down there where it was. The only way anyone can come to Jesus for
salvation is with a humble heart, Matt. 18:2-4. No one comes to Jesus filled
with pride and thinking they are adequate within themselves. The only ones who
can come to Him are those who see themselves as sinners in need of a Savior.
Those who come to Jesus do so by bowing in humble repentance, Acts 17:30! ·
It Was Appropriated By
Swallowing - Ex. 6:16-18
- The Manna was gathered by the men of the tent. When the Manna was brought
into the tent, it was divided out according to the number of people in the
tent. The Manna was there, but it could help no one until it was eaten. The
only way to benefit from the Manna was to get it inside you! This speaks to us of Jesus! You can come
to church, carry the right Bible, hear sermons, song songs, pray prayers and do
all the religious stuff you want to. But, you will never be saved until you
come to Jesus for yourself. No one
can do it for you. Thank God for saved moms and dads, but children cannot ride
into Heaven on their coattails. Grandparents that love Jesus are a blessing,
but you have to be saved for yourself. Here again the words of the Bible, Acts 16:31;
John 3:3, 7; Rom. 10:9; Rom. 10:13. The Manna provided life to those who ate
it. The Lord Jesus provides life to those who believe the Gospel and are saved
by faith in Him. Jesus Christ makes the difference between life and death, 1 John 5:12. There are many roads you can take through
life. There are many roads offered by the various religions in the world today.
There is but one road that leads away from sin and damnation and into the
presence of God in Heaven, and that road is named Jesus! Any other road leads
to Hell, only Jesus Christ leads to life everlasting, John 14:6; Matt. 7:13-14. The Manna sustained the lives of the
people of Israel as they travelled in the wilderness. It provided their
salvation. Jesus Christ does the very same thing! Every soul that comes to Him
by faith is delivered from death, sin, Hell and the awful wrath of God. Those
who come to Jesus Christ find that He offers so much more! He sustains His
people as they journey toward the Fathers house. He blesses His people in many
precious ways. o He blesses them with His presence
- Matt.
28:20; Heb. 13:5 o He blesses them with His peace -
14:27; Phil. 4:7 o He blesses them with His provision
- Phil.
4:19; Matt. 6:25-33 o He blesses them with His power §
to witness - Acts
1:8 §
to love others - Rom. 5:5 §
to live for God - 2 Cor. 5:17, Gal. 5:16-25 §
to withstand everything that comes our way - 2 Cor. 12:9. o He blesses them with His promises
- 2 Cor.
1:20; Rom. 4:21 The Manna provided hope. When they ate
todays meal, there was the promise that there would be more food tomorrow.
They could lie down at night with the assurance that God had their needs on His
heart. The Manna gave the hope in a desperate situation. Jesus Christ provides the same kind of
hope to His people. When He is your Savior, you know you will never walk alone.
You know that He will never leave you. You know that He will meet all your
needs. You know that He will bless you, use you and give you sufficient grace
for every day you live. Thank God for the hope we have in Jesus Christ. The Manna sustained Israel for 40 years.
It literally became their life. Such is Jesus Christ to all who come to Him. He
is life! He is the way, the truth, and the life: no man
comes to the Father, but by Him.
I. What The Manna Pictured II. What The Manna
Provided We are told, the
Manna ceased the day after the children of Israel had eaten of
the fruit of Canaan. Every day, when the people of Israel picked up and ate the
Manna, that simple piece of bread was making a promise. Every day that Manna
said, Theres a better day coming! You are headed to
a land flowing with milk and honey. You are going to a place of blessing where
all your needs will be met. The Manna was the Lords way of promising
Israel a better life in a better land. When they arrived in the land of
victory, the desert diet ceased. They no longer needed the Manna because they
could now feast on the bounty of Canaan. Compared to where they had just come
from, there was enough left over in the fields of Canaan to sustain them until
it was time to harvest next years crops. The Manna said, Things
will be better down the road. And, the Manna was right! What does this say to us? All through the
message, as we have looked at the Manna, we have seen in it a picture of the
Lord Jesus Christ. I am not suggesting that anything could be better than
knowing Him. ·
I am
suggesting that when you find yourself in your own Canaan, in that place of
spiritual victory and power, you will lay down the diet of the wilderness and
you will feast on the riches of the Lord. ·
I am
suggesting that your fellowship with the things of God and the Lord Himself
will grow deeper and ever more satisfying. ·
I am
suggesting that those who will leave their past behind and walk into a new day
with the Lord will find that the place of victory in the Lord is a very
satisfying place to be. It is wonderful to be saved by the grace
of God! So many people are wandering around aimlessly, living far below the
place God saved them to be. They are saved, but there is little power, little
glory and little victory. They are living on what they can pick up along the
way. God wants to lead you to a place of bounty
in your Christian life. He wants to lead you to a place of fullness, to a place
of blessing, to a place of glory, to a place of victory. He wants to bring you
into a place where you do not have to depend on the blessings of yesterday to
sustain your soul, but where you can enjoy the priceless riches of what He has
given you in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank God for the blessings of yesterday.
Thank God for the glory days, the days of revival, the days of power. Thank God
for all that He did then. We need something now! God has a place of blessing
for all His children. All we need to do is take the step of faith that is
necessary to bring us out of the wilderness and into that place of blessing. There is a place where: ·
is near - Ill. John - John 13:23 ·
is precious - Ill. Mary - Mark 14:1-9 ·
and His business is exciting - Ill. The multitudes around Jerusalem - Luke 19:29-40 ·
is more glorious than anything else - Ill. The crowds in glory - Rev. 4-5;
7:9-17 Are you in that place of victory in your
life? It is there and it is available to you, if you are willing to lay down
the desert diet and eat the bounty of Canaan. Here is a truth that we do not want to
miss. The Manna pictures Jesus in His incarnation. Because He came into this
world and gave His life on Calvary, we can be saved. Thank God for that! The
wealth of Canaan speaks of Christ in His resurrection. We are cleansed from our
sins by His death on the cross, but it is His resurrection that allows us to
move through this world in victory for the glory of God. Here is how Paul expressed his desire for
his own relationship with God: Yea doubtless,
and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ
Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count
them but dung, that I may win Christ, And be found in him, not having mine own
righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of
Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith: That I may know him, and
the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made
conformable unto his death; If by any means I might attain unto the
resurrection of the dead, Phil. 3:8-11. The death and resurrection of the Lord
Jesus Christ delivers us from our sins and it offers us the prospect of a new
life in Him. When we come to Jesus Christ, we are saved, but we should never
expect to walk in victory and power until lose our appetite for the things of
the past. When we stop feeding off the flesh and what it wants, and we learn to
live off the spiritual provisions God has for us in His Word, His church and in
His Son, we can anticipate victory in our lives. Conc: If
you were honest about your spiritual condition, where does this message find
you today? Are you lost in your sins and in need of a
Savior? If that is your situation, I want you to know that you can be saved, if
you will repent of your sins and believe the Gospel, God will save you. Come to
Him today and allow us to show you how that can happen in your life. Are you still looking for that place of
victory? Do you battle daily with sins of the mind and the flesh? Are you still
filling your life with a steady diet of worldliness, wickedness and sin? If
that is your condition, the Lord offers you the opportunity to change today.
Come to Jesus, confess your sins, repent of those sins, and He will forgive you
and restore you for His glory, 1 John 1:9; Pro. 28:12. Have you reached a place in your spiritual
life where you can honestly say that you are enjoying spiritual victories? Is
the Lord blessing you and using you for His glory? Are you thankful for that?
You should come thank Him for His grace in your life. I dont know what you need, but I do know that there is a Canaan land filled with the good blessings of the Lord, if you are willing to walk in and claim it! |
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Copyright 2003 by Alan Carr |